sunday morning

Sunday, July 29, 2007

"dogs" from greeting card illustration

My most favourite day of the week - I think. Mostly because it's so low pressure...Sunday's seem to be the day to kick back, relax, even if in theory. It's just been pouring rain, coming down so hard the view out my office window has been blurred by a sheet of rain. We need rain, it's been sweltering hot this past week. 30+ and sunny and any time spent out in the open sunshine somehow feels dangerous - burning dangerous. So some rain and clouds a perfect reprieve and I actually love a cloudy, rainy day - again I think it seems less pressure than a sunny day. Sunny days you should be out and about, up (emotionally) and doing things...lawns to mow, cleaning to do and so on. Rainy days...well you can't mow the lawn and you can houseclean, but with a slower more casual, rainy day kind of pace. Or you can cook - one of my favourite distractions from things that actually do need to get done. Or better still, lie on a bed by a breezy open window (if rain direction cooperates), listen to the rain and read a good book or just listen to the rain.

I, as usual, have several days worth of to-dos, neatly written on the Sunday July 29th page of my daytimer. Today's list includes:

• move furniture from guest room into hallway
• vacuum & mop guest room floor
• paint guest room floor with glossy black enamel paint (I tried latex and it's just not durable or glossy I've given in to enamel to have those beautiful, shiny painted floors)
• paint small bookcase and side table (while I have hard to clean up & stinky paint open)
• paint futon frame (which is currently on my front porch)

and if that's not quite enough I also have...

• tidy office &
• clean out & organize fridge

no wonder I get much for reading a good book while listening to the rain :-)

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